Sunday, 27 October 2013

New Treatment for Cellulite

When carbon dioxide CO2 encountered oxygen O2 The combined application of carbon dioxide CO2 (Venusian) & oxygen O2 (oxyendodermia) helps n 'effectively addressed aesthetic problems to face and body. aesthetic problems such as stretch marks, cellulite, fat, dark circles, swelling under the eyes, double chin etc., faced with a new innovative technique Gas Contouring (CO2 + O2), which helps manage, using medical carbon dioxide and pure oxygen under pressure.

This combination activates vital functions of the skin such as the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastic fibers. Initially using a very thin needle is passed medical carbon dioxide in the area that is the problem, intradermally or subcutaneously. By bubbling carbon dioxide, hemoglobin blood releases increased amounts of oxygen locally bind the medical dioxide, which is then removed from the body. This results in increased oxygenation of the region. Since the hemoglobin contained in our blood "carries" oxygen when "meets" dioxide tends to release oxygen and to adhere to carbon. So with this method we are able to choose those areas that want to cause increased oxygenation.

As seen also in areas with reduced oxygen deposition shown various aesthetic problems such as scar tissue in the fissures, and the poorly oxygenated areas legs, and buns, showing cellulite and local thickness. Thanks to Venusian the treatment procedure is painless and safe. The carbon dioxide acts directly on the microcirculation (mechanical action that triggers the operation of the vessel) to the local thickness ("breaks" the membranes of adipocytes by reducing the accumulation), and skin (improves flexibility and maintains youthful appearance).

 Once the application medically administered with carbon dioxide, followed by that of oxyendodermias, which is complementary as 'vehicle' transport active substances. Non-injectable injection of pure oxygen to the body under pressure combined with mild lymphatic congestion. The oxyendodermia is a method based on the synergy of massage of the connective tissue and the injection of oxygen pressure without using a needle. Massage has the ability to stimulate the blood circulation and metabolism, resulting in decreases impoundments and n 'increases skin elasticity. The injection pressure of oxygen transport oxygen and nutrients to the skin depth.

Increasing oxygenation of the skin results in the improvement of its characteristics. This provides stimulating microcirculation in desired areas. The skin regains its youthful appearance, radiance and firmness while falling and aging processes. Areas applied: In the body: For stretch marks on the abdomen, legs or waist. Also for localized fat, cellulite and rolls wherever you arms, buttocks, thighs. Facials: The area under the eyes dark circles or swellings in the double chin and tightening the border.

Especially in the application for the treatment of dark circles, achieved increased oxygenation of the area around the eyes, smoothing the points we want. Duration & Number of applications: In areas of the body that appear stretch marks, cellulite or localized fat recommended applications 8.10 approximately one week application. The duration of each treatment is estimated at 45 minutes. To address the dark circles around the eyes, and double chin recommended 5.4 applications, one per week. Duration about 30 minutes.

For more read here

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