Sunday, 27 October 2013

Hypodermic Cellulite Treatment (LPG)

By cellulite describe the image of the skin with the presence of surface dips (skin like orange peel). In fact the superficial fat cells are inflated and the elasticity of the connective tissue resulting in reduced image above. Why is It is known that cellulite due to some genes, especially the Mediterranean women have a proportion above 80%.

Certainly outside of genes important role in the intensity of play and cellulite diet , the intake of water , the exercise and the hormonal status of the woman. There are general tips to reduce cellulite When a woman:

a) properly nourished, ie avoids fatty foods, sweets, lemonade and coffee.

b) drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.

c) make regular physical exercise, general and local to trouble spots.

d) has been set which hormonal problems, then the problem is minimized. If, despite the correct lifestyle problem exists or if someone can not follow these rules is the ideal way to improve At times they sound different methods (ozone injections, mesotherapy, electrodes for lipolysis, etc.) that unfortunately have not accepted effective, sometimes it can create other problems (relaxation mikrothromvoseon, etc.).

One of the most effective methods is authorized by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) is called subcutaneous treatment . What exactly is this hypodermic treatment It is a kind of therapeutic massage through controlled negative pressure mobilizes layer, where there is cellulite. Is the entire body, because the goal of treatment is to improve local blood circulation and lymph circulation and thereby decreasing the volume of fat cells and elastic fibers are reinforced. How long does each treatment and how many treatments are needed The treatment is performed by qualified personnel using a special machine.

Takes 40 minutes and the number of treatments required depend on the intensity of the problem. The average is 10 to 15 visits, with a frequency of 2-3 times a week. What I feel during treatment The treatment is pleasant and relaxing. There is a range of negative pressure, so there is no feeling of pain. There are restrictions on activity after treatment None.

Instead there is a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation. The only obligation is that drinking too much water daily. Who are suitable candidates for treatment Men and women with a good general state of health. In men treated mainly pronounced belly and stomach and the area around the waist. Women apart from the above the thighs, the buttocks, the legs and the area of the afferent.

For more about cellulite, please visit this website

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are taken before the treatment to see the difference after the treatment. You will wear a special garment which is comfortable and aids in the treatment. The session can take from 30 to 45 minutes.
    more information click here

    Cellulite Treatment & LPG
