Sunday, 27 October 2013

Mesotherapy, an innovative treatment for cellulite

The unique technology of Raylife is the last word in combating skin imperfections caused by cellulite and localized fat.

The system Acoustic Waves of RayLife accompanied by proven experience of Asclepion Laser Technologies, a company headed for thirty years in the field of research and technology of medical lasers. What are sound waves and how they act.

The acoustic waves belong to the family of shock waves, characterized by high pressure value which is increased abruptly in relation to the ambient pressure. As mechanical waves can penetrate the surface of the body without causing injury and therapeutic affect at predetermined locations in the body. Mechanism of action of acoustic waves Improving the microcirculation

Minimize swelling Improve the transfer of interstitial fluid in the body Reduce stored fat Increase the consistency of connective tissue Results of treatment of acoustic waves Increased skin elasticity by 50% ncrease the consistency of tissue Increased microvasculature and feeling of lightness ends Increase of diuresis after the application

Visibly reduce the appearance of orange peel after 3 to 4 application Sculpted body contouring after 6 to 8 application Increase the quality of the results for 3 months after the end of treatment. The acoustic wave (AW) apply to thighs, buttocks, hips, abdomen, legs, waist and inner part of the knee. The application is short and sweet and leaves skin smooth and soft. The treatment applies to men who want to get rid of cellulite. For the completion of treatment required frequency applications 6.10 1-2 times a week.

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  1. Nice post, Thanks for sharing.If you want to more details about Mesotherapy Treatment with affordable price than visit here.

  2. Mesotherapy in Dubai uses a conglomerate of FDA approved drugs, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and at times, homeopathic drugs as well.More detail about the Mesotherapy in dubai for price and get any detail.
