Sunday 27 October 2013

New treatment for stretch marks, cellulite and cellulite

Carbon dioxide CO2 (Venusian) and oxygen O2 (oxyendodermia) in the service of beauty !The combined application of the two gases due to the new innovative technique Gas Contouring (CO2 + O2), helps to address a number of aesthetic problems , using medical carbon dioxide and pure oxygen under pressure. So aesthetic problems such as stretch marks , cellulite, fat , dark circles , swelling under the eyes , double chin , etc. , are treated drastically.

This combination activates vital functions of the skin such as the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid , resulting in a firmer skin youthful ! With the help of a very thin needle is passed medical carbon dioxide in the area that is the problem , intradermally or subcutaneously.

Immediately after the blood 's hemoglobin releases increased amounts of oxygen locally bind the medical dioxide , which is then removed from the body. This results in increased oxygenation of the region. Since the hemoglobin contained in our blood " carries " oxygen when " meets " dioxide tends to release oxygen and to carbon adheres . After treatment with the medically administered carbon dioxide, followed by the application of oxygonoendodermias which is complementary , as "vehicle" transport active substances.

The non- injectable injection of pure oxygen at a pressure on the skin , associated with mild lymphatic congestion . The skin is prepared for the injection of oxygen with the aid of special rollers, the rolling motion and the use of air and vacuum suction , stimulate the functions and accelerates the flow of blood. After the preparation by the roller, is the injection of pure oxygen and the active ingredients that result in the reactivation of vital functions of the skin and the stimulation of the biosynthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

By bubbling carbon achieve increased perfusion and oxygenation of the inner layers of the skin , while the application of oxyendodermias increasing the oxygen supply to the outer surface of the skin. The combination of the two treatments together provide excellent results on face and body. Areas & Duration In the body : For stretch marks on the abdomen, legs or waist. Also for localized fat , cellulite and rolls wherever you ( arms, buttocks , thighs ) recommended 8-10 applications approximately one per week. The duration of each treatment is estimated at 45 minutes. In person : At the area under the eyes dark circles , the double chin and neckline , recommended 5.4 applications, one per week.

For more articles on cellulite, please visit this website

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