Sunday 27 October 2013

How to treat cellulite

The pharmacy shelves are filled with expensive emulsions, elixirs and pills that proclaim that fight cellulite. But you can try something more cheap and easy by following these simple tips

Start your morning with a rub our body. Before entering the bathroom lightly rub your body from the ankles upwards, from the edges to the heart. This will stimulate your circulation and help eliminate toxins. And as mentioned papaya helps prevent tissue damage is used for many years in the treatment of cellulite. Try a soap papaya and massage every morning to trouble spots. papaya soap

Even the massage with papaya soap in the shower helps smooth the appearance of orange peel. And finally, before you exit the shower take plenty of cold water on your thighs to stimulate blood circulation in the area. And then when you apply body lotion (even some cheap do the job) then intense massage her thighs and other areas that are likely to develop cellulite.

For more click here

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