Sunday 27 October 2013

Methods for treating cellulite

The techniques of plastic surgery to address the problem Even celebrities suffer from cellulite. This is why the creation of not only due to diet.

Greater the damage caused by the sedentary, disturbances in blood circulation , hormonal disorders , heredity , smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Though until a few years ago considered a rule that cellulite may not disappear completely without going through the table of surgery , today it is possible. Even the advanced stages of cellulite can be normalized with the great new non-invasive plastic surgery . Celludrop: Kryolipolysi

A new method of attacking the stored fat ablation and freezes . The method is called Celludrop and typically requires six visits of 30 minutes , the cost per session should not exceed 80 euros. Cavitation: Bloodless Liposuction Technology Cavitation is a non-invasive liposuction procedure that reshapes the silhouette and eliminates points of thighs, buttocks , arms , waist and abdomen. From the very first session starts losing points by 2 points and reaches up to 10 while increasing significantly with each repetition of the treatment. The cost is 80 euros and requires 8 hits. Cellulite Drainag:

With essential oils The Cellulite Drainage is a body treatment for cellulite reduction with herbal extracts and essential oils to improve circulation, reduce cellulite and eliminating the heavy, swollen legs . Apply with machine lymphdrainage and lymphatic MASSAGE . The active ingredients of the treatment is pure essential oils of herbs that help reduce cellulite and fat tissue and general detoxification and rejuvenation of the whole body . The cost of treatment is 49 euro and required six sessions.

For more about cellulite, please visit this website

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